Time, Talent, Treasure; Many ways to support the ministries of St. Mark’s
Your giving helps support what God is doing in, and through our ministry here at St. Mark’s.

Give Online. Give online through our easy, safe, and secure giving platform. Click here for more information.

Give In-Person. Give during Sunday Worship at 8:15 am and 11 am.

Give by Mail. Mail your offering to the Church office, 4200 Londonderry Rd. Harrisburg, PA 17109

Give Mobile. Give through the Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement App. Available in the App Store and Google Play Store. Click here for more information.
Remember St. Mark’s in your will by leaving a bequest.
Purchase gift cards to Giant, Weis, or Karns. St. Mark’s receives a percentage of the value of each card. Available Sunday mornings and at the church office during business hours.
Taxpayers who are 72 or older must take their Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from traditional IRA accounts. Consider using the Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), a tax-efficient way to take the distribution and also help St. Marks meet it financial goals. Any bank or investment advisor should be able to help you do this. It is a convenient way to support charities and get a tax break while meeting tax requirements for IRAs. Why not do some- thing to help the charitable work that is done here at our church and reap the benefit of paying less taxes as well. If you have any questions see our Treasurer or a member of the Finance Ministry.