To learn more about our school, please view our current informational brochure. In it, you will find more information about our educational objectives, programs, and enrollment rates. If you are interested in registering someone to become a student at St. Mark’s Nursery School, you may fill out our online Student application or view and print our application below.
There is a $50 registration fee along with the application.

Special Features
- Hands-on learning
- Age-appropriate activities
- Play-as-we-learn philosophy
- Structured group time
- Fence-enclosed playground
- Christian curriculum
- Secured facility
- Certified, experienced teachers
- Emphasis on creativity
- Inclusive enrollment
- Encouraged parent involvement
- Theme integrated activities
- Curriculum based on PA Early Learning Standards for pre-K
St. Mark’s Nursery School Has a Developmental Emphasis
Physical: to develop the ability to move, see, and hear using:
- Large and fine motor skills
- Outdoor play
- Art (cutting, coloring, etc.)
Language and Speech: to develop the ability to talk and express needs using:
- Music and instruments
- Dramatic play
- Story time
Social and Emotional: to develop the abilities to eat, dress, and take care of self through:
- Responsibility for jobs and property
- Toileting
- Clean-up
Cognitive development: to develop an ability to think and learn through:
- Cooking
- Science
- Pre-reading activities
- Pre-math activities
- Manipulative games