Midweek Lenten Service 3/30/2022
Sunday Worship 3/27/2022
Nursery School Enrollment
We are now enrolling for the 2022-2023 school year!

Visit https://www.stmarksharrisburg.org/nursery for more information.
Midweek Lenten Service 3/23/2022
Weekly Bible Study 3/23/2022
Sunday Worship 3/20/2022
Third Sunday in Lent
WELCA LWR Personal Care Kit Information
PLEASE CLICK HERE for detailed information for the Personal Care Kits being put together by St. Mark’s Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for Lutheran World Relief. Feel free to donate as many or as few items as you would like. Monetary donations are also helpful for purchasing items needed to complete the kits. Items can be dropped off at the church Monday thru Thursday from 9:30AM to 3:30PM, ring the buzzer for entrance at the Arlington Ave. side entrance. Donations can also be brought to church on Sunday morning during service/Sunday school time, from 8:00AM till Noon.
Thank you for your support of this vital ministry.