Weekly Bible Study, January 27, 2021
Sunday Worship 1/24/2021
Weekly Bible Study 1/20/2021
Sunday Worship 1/17/2021
Weekly Bible Study 1/13/2021
Sunday Worship, Pastor’s Message 1/10/2021
Sunday Worship 1/10/2021
Weekly Bible Study 1/6/2021
January 6, 2021
At its most recent meeting on January 5, 2021, St. Mark’s COVID-19 Task Force reached the difficult decision to continue with remote only worship. This decision is effective until the Task Force’s next meeting on January 26, at which time a decision as to the future will be made based on the situation at that time. Worship services, as well as Wednesday Bible Study will continue to be recorded and made available via email, Facebook, YouTube and St. Mark’s website, www.stmarksharrisburg.org.
While the state has eased restrictions and a vaccine is being made available in some places, the Task Force believes that the high number of new cases, hospitalizations and deaths from Coronavirus being reported make it in the best interest of our congregation that we do not gather for worship until we see a significant improvement in the situation.
For some time most of us were able to say that we did not personally know anyone who had been infected with COVID-19, but more recently it seems many of us have family members, friends, or others in our close social circles that have had positive Coronavirus test results with varying degrees of symptoms. We greatly appreciate your patience with this situation and your faithful dedication to St. Mark’s during this difficult time. Please pray for our Task Force members, that we may discern the best course of action as we look to the future and, as always, pray for those who have been and will be affected by COVID-19 and other serious illnesses in any way.
Peace be with you,
Pr. Jim Person on behalf of St. Mark’s COVID-19 Task Force members.